Welcome to Ancient Roman house link. Here you will learn what was in them and what they were made out of. Also you will learn what they had for each class(Plebians, Patritions). Do you know what a triclinium is? That is another name for the the dining room in the roman house. The impluvium is the living room. The alae were the open rooms in the house. The tablinum was the large reception room. Atrium was originally the bedroom of the mother and childin an old latin house.Posticum was the entrance to the whole house. the andron was the name given for the open passageway for the people inside the household. Peristylium is in the garden house. The cumiculum was the main bedromm in the whole entire household. The vestibulum is the entrance to the house and on the floors will be welcome, welcome money or to scare robbers away there would be a dog in mosaic for. The exedra was the garden room. The taberna was the shop right underneath or in the back or front of the household. The tablinum was the office or study where the father worked or the kids studied at. the ala were the wings or opening for the atrium.Peristylium was the colonnaded garden. The exedra was almost like the entertainment room when guests come over. Then when they get bored the people could go right into the garden to sit. The dispulviatum is the roofs that are slanted into the house for the rain to either fall into the pool or like rose the garden. The roofs could wet the garden to make the flowers grow. Arac means the heavy chest that is either sometimes chained to the floor containing money and valuables. The sacrarium is a room with a shrine. Hypocast was used for someone who was attracted to moths and they put them in their own bath for moths. The pavimentium was the name that was originally called for the floor and the house in which the ground in each room was smoothed. I almost forgot that the whole family lived in the house. In the plebian house the whole family would usually  be crowded into one room. In the particians house the family would live in a single home but still altogether. Their worst fear was fire because their house was made out of wood and if they did one mistake with cooking, their house would go down in flames. The emperor said " no more cooking only take out food or resturants." so all the plebian families had to take out food or go out to resturants. The patricians did have to do it but they had a choice because their house was made out of red brick. Another word for the name for what kind of house the plebians live in is flats or appartment houses. They would live behind or above their shops. Even fairly  well-to-do tradesman would chose to live in an apartment houses if they could  afford it. Their own apartments might quite roomy.


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