When Rome became a republic, the power of the emperor was shared between two men. These men were given advice by the Roman citizens.

Below are the titles of the people who were involved with the government.

  • Plebeians
  • Patricians
  • Consuls
  • Senate
  • Assembly
  • Tribunes


Plebeians and Patricians

     The plebeians and patricians were the main two classes in Ancient Rome. 

     The patricians were the upper class, the nobility and wealthy land owners. A wealthy plebeian family and a wealthy patrician family did not meet socially. Under the kings, it was illegal for a plebeian and a patrician to marry. Later on, a new law was written that said it was no longer illegal for plebeians and patricians to marry. Patrician women spent their days pampering themselves. On a daily basis, they would most likely get their nails and hair done. Or buy new expensive clothes and jewelry. They usually had enough money to hire a slave to take care of all the work they had to do in their homes.

     The plebeians were pretty different from the patricians. The plebeian people were all the other people in Rome, besides the patricians. Many plebeians lived in apartment houses called flats. Some the apartments were above or behind their shops. Their own apartments might be quite roomy, sanitary and pleasant, sometimes with running water. But others were not that nice. In the poorer apartment houses, an entire plebeian family would all be crowded into one room, without running water. They had to bring their water in from places that were public. Fire was a threat because people were cooking meals in very crowded rooms, and most of the apartments were made of wood. They did not have toilets, so they would, well had to use public toilets. The plebeians might have bread, dry or dipped in wine, and water for meals. Plebeian women would do all the house chores and teach their daughters what to do around the house and how to do them. 

Roman Republic

      During the Republican period, there was no dictator. The citizens of Rome elected representatives who ran the government on their behalf, just like ours. The oldest and most powerful part of the government was the senate. The senate was made up of patricians. They controlled the way Rome’s money was spent on things like defense, the improvement of Rome, and education. Once they were chosen to be part of the senate, they had to stay in that job position for the rest of their life no matter what. If they died, they would select another person to fill in one of the three hundred seats. The tribunes, people who defended the right of non-patricians, were one of the only people who couldn't be attacked by the patricians. One of the other parts of the government was the assembly. They were there to protect the rights of the plebeians. The plebeians had to trust the judgment of the courts because the patricians and consuls were basically the only person that knew all the laws, but that wasn’t always good. The only part left to know about the roman government is the two consuls who served for a year. They were elected by the assembly. The consuls controlled the war and courts in Ancient Rome. They had a lot of power. They could forbid the actions of other consuls.



Video about Roman government: http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/romanrepublic/

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